Dental Health

north vancouver family dentistry

Early Cancer Screening with VELscope

When you make your six-month appointment at the dentist, you know just what to expect: dental x-rays, the hygienist using special tools to clean off plaque and check your gums, the high-powered polishing that buffs away stain, then your dentist examining your teeth and checking for new cavities.

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Teeth Whitening Vancouver

Seven FAQs about Dental Fillings

Your dentist says that you have a cavity that needs to be filled. In 36 years you’ve never once had to have actual “dental work,” so you have some questions. At Pier Dental Centre, these are the most frequent questions we get asked about new and replacement fillings.

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north vancouver family dentistry

Why Choose Dental Implants

As you age, the enamel of your teeth can wear away, new cavities form quickly, and teeth may break without enough left behind for a crown. The tooth has to be extracted. At this point, you have a decision to make: what are you going to do with the gap? Bridges and dentures might be the traditional treatments, but a dental implant can provide a better fit and a longer lasting prosthetic.

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dental xrays and examinations

Benefits of Dental X-Rays

When you go to the dentist in North Vancouver, you usually expect to get x-rays taken of your teeth. It’s not a particularly comfortable procedure, but it seems to be better now than it was when you were a kid! Do you remember having to take and retake the images several times because they didn’t turn out right? Not to mention the different angles they had to use to see all the teeth, or the time you had to wait while the films were being processed?

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north vancouver family dentistry

Why Everyone Should Get a Six Month Checkup

It seems like every time you leave the dentist’s office, the receptionist wants to schedule you for your next visit in six months. Maybe you think it’s a hassle, after all, your appointment went fine and there’s no sign of decay. Or perhaps your schedule isn’t constant. Your kids’ school activities change, your work schedule fluctuates, and setting up an appointment six months in advance seems silly if you’re just going to have to break it again. But the truth is, you need to make and keep your routine to benefit your overall dental health.

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north vancouver family dentistry

Should You Be Wearing a Nightguard?

When you wake up to a headache, you know it’s going to be a rough day. Taking some Tylenol or Advil may help, but it seems like every time you open your mouth to speak or drink, the dull ache in your jaw brings your headache back. Maybe this problem has been going on for a week or two, but some people deal with it for months or years before seeking out treatment. When you’re experiencing jaw pain accompanied by headaches, it’s time to schedule a visit at Pier Dental Centre to talk about getting a nightguard made.

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dental hygiene north vancouver

Four Steps to Brushing Your Teeth Properly

You’ve heard your entire life that you need to brush twice and floss every day. But have you ever stopped to consider if you are brushing correctly? As it turns out, there are bad ways to brush as well as recommended ways. If you want to have a successful dental check up and healthy teeth, use these tips to help you get there:

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