What Is Bruxism?

what is bruxism

“Bruxism” sounds a bit scientific, but it is actually quite easy to understand. This condition means you frequently grind or clench your teeth. Oftentimes, this occurs during sleep. Bruxism is a problem because chronic grinding and clenching can contribute to recurring headaches, daytime sleepiness and irritability, jaw issues, tooth sensitivity, and tooth decay. Read on to learn some more facts about bruxism!

Causes of Bruxism

So how do people get bruxism? More studies still need to be done to determine the exact causes, but there are some common culprits. For some, bruxism is caused by excessive and overwhelming feelings of stress or anxiety. For others, it could associated with badly aligned teeth, also called malocclusion.

Signs of Bruxism

These are some of the most common signs of bruxism:

  • Visibly worn down tooth enamel (teeth may look flatter)
  • Chipped or broken teeth
  • Tooth sensitivity
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Sore or tight jaw
  • Morning headaches

You may not have noticed you grind your teeth, but if you share a bedroom with your partner or a roommate, ask if they’ve ever heard you grind or clench your teeth at night.

Bruxism Treatment

It’s best to avoid needing to fix loose or broken teeth with restorative treatment! Therefore, if you have bruxism, address the situation as soon as possible so that you don’t end up causing serious damage to your teeth. If you feel more stressed than usual, try different relaxation techniques to help you cope. Patients often find that things like regular meditation, yoga, and exercise can help ease their anxiety. Moreover, here at Pier Dental Centre, we can create a custom-fitted nightguard for you to wear while you sleep so that it protects your teeth from grinding.

Reach Out to Our Team for Help!

Our team can get you on the right track toward a healthier smile. If you think you might have bruxism or you’d like to know more about getting a nightguard, contact our North Vancouver dental office today. We also offer a variety of restorative dental treatments if your teeth are already severely damaged due to chronic teeth grinding.


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